Great business ideas are born every day but not many of those ideas see the light: why is that?
Millions of people around the world experience a light bulb moment in their head and never get past it.
Only a fraction of them will share the idea with some one else and almost everyone will abandon it by lack of immediate validation.
All successful entrepreneurs agree on this: don’t listen to the little man. Don’t let other people put you off, be persistent, patient, determined.
Work on the feedback, explore different angles and you’ll get a better understanding of your own idea and its potential.
This brings refreshing and powerful excitement that pushes you over the hedge and to start thinking about a plan.
Working on a business plan can be overwhelming and all the excitement can disappear quickly.
Plan your activities in smaller and more manageable units/tasks: morale will get a boost at every task completed.
The road to success is long and bumpy: too many things can and will go wrong making you feel you’ve bitten more than you can chew.
Get help! Sharing the burden even with just one other person will make a huge difference both mentally and physically.
Pick someone you know to be good at staying focused as much as if not more than you, then find people with talents relevant to your business and give them trust and space.
Having a great idea is not and never was the secret to success. Most of the greatest ‘innovations’ of the past decades where nothing new but improvements to existing concepts.
The most important part is what comes AFTER the idea: perseverance, organisation and teamwork.
Great business ideas are born every day, I’m sure you have some too: what will do about it?
Good luck!